you cross paths with a stalker, he will mount an "attack triad" by
targeting your strongest social supports: family, work, and home. He
will threaten those closest to you, attempt to take your livelihood
away, and make you feel that there is no safe place for you to hide.
His goal - your complete submission to his will. His weapon - fear for the safety of your loved ones. There is no middle
ground and attempting to make any concessions with him will further
entrap you. You cannot reason with him and you cannot barter with him;
either you comply, or he tightens the noose.
You can; however,
call a spade a spade. In other words, let others know what he has done
to you and refuse to be manipulated by THE STALKER. Demand that the
police file reports every single time, even if an arrest is never made.
Keep them in a safe file with your daily log of incidents, dates,
locations, and contacts. Get a restraining order and seek assistance
from your District Attorney's office.
Although you cannot
control a stalker, you can control your responses. Try to avoid
communication with him - the stalker's lifeline is observing you take
his bait. Be strong; take care of your mental and physical health. There
is NO SHAME in asking for professional help or legal/victims advocacy,
just as there is NO SHAME in being targeted by a psychopath.
YOU can become STRONGER than the stalker by empowering yourself, having faith, and exercising patience.
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