Friday, October 4, 2013

Quotes That Started A Movement

  • We are told, "just ignore it and it will go away." But it NEVER ends, and it won't end until we stand up and DEMAND JUSTICE. 
  • Somebody has to stand up for justice!
  • Freedom - A basic human right. 
  • When will the violence against women end? Completely unacceptable in a civilized society. 
  • We just want to be left alone to rebuild our lives.
  • Her life wasn't a "priority" to law enforcement.  
  • Have we taught our children to be so "hardened," that they don't think twice about victimizing people? 
  •  ♥ Our freedom awaits ♥
  •  Hearts and minds need to change for the sake of humanity. 
  • I truly believe we could solve many community problems by teaching respect to ALL children in the home and at school.
  • Any fool can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Daddy.
  • Survivor pride - live strong!
  • No more. 
  • To improve health outcomes of American women, we must prevent the trauma of victimization, which wreaks havoc on the body.
  • So many of us struggle with mental illness due to the traumatic ordeal we've gone through... 
  • Walk a mile in my shoes...
  • Lonlieness; it's every woman's battle.
  • It. ends. now. We are taking our lives back!
  • Stalkers display sociopathic behavior.
  • It isn't a game - It is a CRIME.
  • Please join me in remembering lives lost at the hands of others, tragically and needlessly...
  • Taken too soon ♥
  • You are not alone
  • The stalker chose who to be; now it's your turn - don't let bad circumstances define who you were meant to be.
  • Some days we just need a reminder of the power we hold within ourselves. 
  • We've got your back! 
  • Remember when you thought you were the only one in such a dire situation? Speak up about your past so you can help others survive. 
  • If you are still in the depths of despair, reach out to survivors - they have the strength that you seek. 
  • It's time for us to be amazing! 
  • Let's send the strongest message they have ever heard to policymakers.

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